Editor: @danielskatz (all papers)
Reviewers: @zingale (all reviews), @rtfisher (all reviews)
Corey Brummel-Smith (0000-0001-6204-5181), Greg Bryan (0000-0003-2630-9228), Iryna Butsky (0000-0003-1257-5007), Lauren Corlies (0000-0002-0646-1540), Andrew Emerick (0000-0003-2807-328X), John Forbes (0000-0002-1975-4449), Yusuke Fujimoto, Nathan J. Goldbaum (0000-0001-5557-267X), Philipp Grete (0000-0003-3555-9886), Cameron B. Hummels (0000-0002-3817-8133), Ji-hoon Kim (0000-0003-4464-1160), Daegene Koh (0000-0002-3546-5786), Miao Li (0000-0003-0773-582X), Yuan Li (0000-0001-5262-6150), Xinyu Li (0000-0003-0750-3543), Brian OShea (0000-0002-2786-0348), Molly S. Peeples (0000-0003-1455-8788), John A. Regan (0000-0001-9072-6427), Munier Salem (0000-0002-0197-526X), Wolfram Schmidt (0000-0001-5233-8087), Christine M. Simpson (0000-0001-9985-1814), Britton D. Smith (0000-0002-6804-630X), Jason Tumlinson (0000-0002-7982-412X), Matthew J. Turk (0000-0002-5294-0198), John H. Wise (0000-0003-1173-8847), Tom Abel (0000-0002-5969-1251), James Bordner (0000-0002-2625-5787), Renyue Cen (0000-0001-8531-9536), David C. Collins (0000-0001-6661-2243), Brian Crosby (0000-0003-0179-874X), Philipp Edelmann (0000-0001-7019-9578), Oliver Hahn (0000-0001-9440-1152), Robert Harkness, Elizabeth Harper-Clark, Shuo Kong, Alexei G. Kritsuk (0000-0002-6554-1161), Michael Kuhlen, James Larrue, Eve Lee (0000-0002-1228-9820), Greg Meece, Michael L. Norman (0000-0002-6622-8513), Jeffrey S. Oishi (0000-0001-8531-6570), Pascal Paschos, Carolyn Peruta, Alex Razoumov (0000-0003-4392-6826), Daniel R. Reynolds (0000-0002-0911-7841), Devin Silvia (0000-0002-4109-9313), Samuel W. Skillman (0000-0002-7626-522X), Stephen Skory, Geoffrey C. So, Elizabeth Tasker (0000-0001-6692-612X), Rick Wagner (0000-0003-1291-5876), Peng Wang, Hao Xu, Fen Zhao
Brummel-Smith et al., (2019). ENZO: An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Astrophysics (Version 2.6). Journal of Open Source Software, 4(42), 1636, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01636
adaptive mesh refinement astrophysics galaxy formation
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