The Journal of Open Source Software is a developer friendly, open access journal for research software packages.
The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) is an academic journal (ISSN 2475-9066) with a formal peer review process that is designed to improve the quality of the software submitted. Upon acceptance into JOSS, a Crossref DOI is minted and we list your paper on the JOSS website.
Perhaps, and in a perfect world we'd rather papers about software weren't necessary but we recognize that for most researchers, papers and not software are the currency of academic research and that citations are required for a good career.
We built this journal because we believe that after you've done the hard work of writing great software, it shouldn't take weeks and months to write a paper about your work.
We have a simple submission workflow and extensive documentation to help you prepare your submission. If your software is already well documented then paper preparation should take no more than an hour.
You can read more about our motivations to build JOSS in our announcement blog post.
Not all software is eligible to be published in JOSS.
JOSS publishes articles about research software. This definition includes software that: solves complex modeling problems in a scientific context (physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, social science, neuroscience, engineering); supports the functioning of research instruments or the execution of research experiments; extracts knowledge from large data sets; offers a mathematical library; or similar.
JOSS submissions must:
Research Software Engineer (RSE) at the University of Birmingham since 2023. Everyday user of Fortran and Python; increasingly dabbling in various languages and tools as a part of being an RSE.
Samuel Forbes is an Assistant Professor of Developmental Science at Durham University in the United Kingdom. He specialises in infant cognitive and linguistic development. His research has a particular focus on methods, developing pipelines in eye-tracking, pupillometry and fNIRS.
Dan Foreman-Mackey is a Research Scientist at the Flatiron Institute in the Center for Computational Astrophysics. His research program focuses on the development and application of probabilistic data analysis techniques to make novel discoveries and solve fundamental problems in astrophysics.
Olivia is an Assistant Professor of Computational Cognitive Science at the Donders Institute and the School of Artificial Intelligence at the Radboud in the Netherlands. She is a computational modeler and theoretician; more about her here.
Works on computer, computational, and data research at NCSA, CS, ECE, and the iSchool at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and has a strong interest in studying common elements of how research is done by people using software and data.
Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Galway, Ireland. Senior Member IEEE. Developer for the COMODO and GIBBON computational biomechanics projects.
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering at Oregon State University. Computational researcher in combustion, fluid dynamics, and chemical kinetics, with an interest in numerical methods and GPU computing strategies.
Product for Data @github. Previously Head of Data Science @stsci. Zooniverse co-founder. Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Open Source Software
MetOcean Data Scientist at Axiom Data Science. Researches coastal ocean dynamics, transport of material in the ocean, and tidal turbines as a renewable energy source.
Chris is a data scientist specializing in all things geospatial who spends a lot of time developing open-source software ecosystems and mentoring. His research at the US DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory focuses on MultiSector Dynamics, multi-model integration, exploratory modeling, natural language processing, graph and other ML, geospatial solutions, etc.
Gabriela is a Data Scientist dedicated to creating open, fair, and diverse ecosystems on software platforms. She has advanced this mission at several companies, including GitHub and Atlassian. Currently, she is focused on making the localization of digital content more accessible and inclusive at Netflix. Throughout her career, Gabriela has empowered product teams by advocating for the inclusion of multicultural perspectives in technology and fostering synergies across diverse groups and resources.
Senior Biosignal Data Analyst at Zander Labs. Developer and maintainer of open source packages and data standard (e.g., MNE-Python, Brain Imaging Data Structure).
PostDoc researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the field of computational chemical engineering. Before joining TU/e, I did my PhD in computational biomedical engineering at KU Leuven, Belgium.
I am a post doctoral Fellow at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and the RadboudUMC in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. I have a background in neuroscience, neuroimaging, computer science, machine learning and psychology/cognitive science. I also have some experience in statistical modelling, (Bayesian statistics, MCMC, Gaussian Processes). My proficiency in programming languages covers Python, Matlab and R and Stan.
Astrophysics researcher at CIEMAT, mathematician and software engineer currently developing chemical evolution models for galaxies. Juanjo has worked as advisor on open source policies and contributed code to many popular libraries like Rails or Astropy. He is member of the founder team of Consul, the more widely used open sourced citizen participation software.
Materials scientist at TU Wien in Austria, interested in electronic structure methods, strong electronic correlations and their effects on materials properties. Sophie's research focuses on the application and development of computational methods for realistic modeling of strongly correlated materials.
Sebastian Benthall is an interdisciplinary researcher working on the economics of privacy and security at NYU School of Law. He received his PhD in Information Management and Systems from the University of California, Berkeley. His research has focused on how privacy and security depends on data flow and digital supply chain networks. More recently, he has become a contributing Research Engineer on Econ-ARK, an open source toolkit for structural modeling of heterogeneous agents.
Monica Bobra serves as the Principal Data Scientist for the State of California. She previously studied the Sun and space weather at Stanford University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Fred is a biostatistician with research interests in statistical genetics and quantitative trait locus mapping in model organisms. He maintains the qtl2pleio R package. As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan, he develops statistical methods for genomewide polygenic scores.
Associate Professor at Mines Paris – PSL university (France). Member of the executive team of the Institute for Digital Transformations, researcher at Center for Robotics, lecturer in Mathematics and Software Engineering for the "Cycle Ingénieur Civil" Mines Paris education program. Specialized research topics: shape optimization and delay-differential systems. Author of open-source software (pandoc for Python, bitstream, pioupiou, etc.) and open educational ressources (control engineering with python, dfferential integral and stochastic calculus, etc.).
I am a Systems Architect at the University of Pennsylvania working on software for the Advanced Simons Observatory.
Teon Brooks is an independent consultant based in Brooklyn NY, USA. His research background is in data science, cognitive neuroscience, and psycholinguistics. He is a huge proponent of team science and tool-building.
Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder leading a research group developing scalable algorithms and sustainable software for prediction, inference, and design via high-fidelity and multiscale physically-based models. He is a core developer of PETSc.
Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering ( at University College Dublin ( Interested in novel numerical methods for solving mechanics problems in engineering.
I am a postdoc at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, US, working on large-scale flood modeling and synthetic river bathymetry generation
My expertise lies in between computer science and biomedical sciences (particularly neuroscience). I work mainly with ML and AI in computer vision too, as I'm a Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute.
Pierre de Buyl works at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, where he processes remote sensing data for the earth radiation budget. He is a former researcher in statistical physics and one of the editors of the SciPy Lecture Notes.
Renata Diaz is a Data Scientist/Scientific Programmer with the University of Arizona Communications and Cyber Technology team, where she provides computational support and training to researchers at all career stages. Her background is in computationally-intensive ecology, reproducibility, and scientific software development (particularly in R).
Patrick is a staff scientists in Applied Computer Science at Los Alamos National Laboratory. His research interests are non-local models, e.g. peridynamics; asynchronous many-task systems; and high performance computing. He is the co-host of the FLOSS for science podcast. Patrick received his PhD from the University of Bonn in Germany.
I'm a Postdoc researcher at Center for Astrophysics Harvard | Smithsonian. I'm interested in the Galactic population of gamma-ray and X-ray sources. I I also work on statistical methods for analysis of low counts astronomical data and enjoy leading and contributing to open source software projects.
Elizabeth is a cognitive neuroscientist at Stanford University working to model individual brain activity using high-dimensional, naturalistic data sets. She is a strong advocate for the role of community-driven science to improve the generalizability of inferences in human brain mapping.
Matthew is a research scientist in experimental high energy physics and data science at the Data Science Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He works as a member of the ATLAS collaboration on searches for physics beyond the Standard Model with experiments performed at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. He also serves on the executive board of the Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP) where he is a researcher and the Analysis Systems Area lead.
Conducting research on high-dimensional geometric computing, statistics, optimization and their applications. Coordinator of the GeomScale project. Affiliated with the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, NKUA. Scientific collaborator at Ouragan team, INRIA.
Martin is currently a Research Associate in the Geographic Data Science Lab at the University of Liverpool. Researcher in urban morphology and geographic data science focusing on quantitative analysis and classification of urban form, remote sensing, and AI. He is the author of momepy, the open-source urban morphology measuring toolkit for Python, and a member of the development teams of GeoPandas, the open-source Python package for geographic data, and PySAL, the Python library for spatial analysis.
James Gaboardi is an Associate Research Scientist in the Geospatial Science and Human Security Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He bridges the gap between pure R&D and research software engineering with a background in scientific software development and spatiotemporal modeling, specifically network-based population and facilities. James also is a core member of the PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library) team.
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Open Source Program Office at Syracuse University, where I promote, teach, and practice open science and open-source software development practices. I develop open-source R packages revolving around data acquisition, cleaning, and visualization. Outside of this I also conduct research in computational paleobiology. I'm specifically interested in the biotic and abiotic contraints and drivers of taxonomic and functional diversity across space and time. To accomplish this, I integrate paleontological and neontological data with advanced computational and statistical tools to investigate the evolution of various biological systems and test hypotheses regarding the constraints and drivers of that evolution.
A game theorist, a research software developer and a postdoc at the research group Dynamics of Social Behavior at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology. Nikoleta's primary research interest is mathematical modelling and its applications to biology, ecology and sociology. She is a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute, a core developer of the Axelrod-Python library and an advocate for open source.
Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo, runs the Porous Materials Engineering & Analysis Lab with a research focus on the transport phenomena in porous materials, especially electrodes. Lead developer of OpenPNM a pore network modeling package, PoreSpy a quantitative image analysis toolkit for tomograms.
Rohit Goswami is a doctoral Researcher at the Science Institute of the University of Iceland and a Software Engineer (II) at Quansight Labs, Austin, TX, USA. He is currently based in Reykjavik, in Iceland. FOSS advocate for over a decade. Academically interested in computational chemistry, optimization (nonlinear), Bayesian statistical methods, and other related fields. Fortran enthusiast.
Jay is an engineer-turned-geomorphologist-turned-data scientist. He is currently a data scientist with the U.S. Department of Defense.
Professor of Statistics at Stanford, strong supporter of reproducible research, recently stepped off @twitter, now Moderator for the stat.AP arXiv. My lab works on developing statistical methods for multi domain data with applications to women's health, immunology and the microbiome.
Postdoc at the Lab for Data Intensive Biology at University of California Davis studying the formation and maintenance of online communities, and also working on indexing, searching and scaling data analysis in large public sequencing databases using data sketches, Python, Rust and decentralizing technologies.
Director of Data Science at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, he leads efforts to design, build and maintain scientist-friendly research data systems that integrate clinical and multiomic data across thousands of cancer patient-donors. He is active in open source software development and a supporter of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) movement in scientific data management. A molecular evolutionary biologist by training, he served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Molecular Evolution from 2008-2013.
I'm a scientist at the Technical University of Denmark working with solar energy and have a passion for open science. Pythonista and core developer of the pvlib python package.
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Before taking this position, I worked at the University of Portsmouth as a Mechanical Engineering Lecturer (Asst. Prof.). I received a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in August 2016. After finishing my Ph.D., I joined the Department of Mathematics at Louisiana State University as a Postdoctoral Fellow and worked on numerical methods and analysis of the peridynamics theory of fracture. I then moved to the Oden Institute at UT Austin to gain experience in the computational mechanics of multiphysics and complex systems. My research interests include solids and granular media mechanics, fracture mechanics, multiphysics and multiscale modeling, and applications of neural networks to engineering problems.
Sehrish is a bioinformatics scientist at the University of Melbourne Centre for Cancer Research (UMCCR). Her research interests include precision oncology, best practice clinical data (genomics/transcriptomics) analysis and computational bioinformatics methods. She is a strong advocate of gender equity and supporting women in tech and leadership roles in STEM fields. She is a curious researcher, a passionate teacher, and an enthusiastic mentor.
Vince is a mathematician at Cardiff University. He is a maintainer and contributor to a number of open source software packages and a contributor to the UK python community. His research interests are in the field of game theory and stochastic processes and also has a keen interest in pedagogy. Vince is a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute and is interested in reproducibility and sustainability of scientific/mathematical research.
Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews. Contributor to the computational algebra system GAP. Instructor/Trainer for The Carpentries. Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute.
Rachel is an assistant research professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Carnegie Mellon. She has expertise in first-principles modeling (DFT) of solids, particularly point defects, as well as device-level modeling for energy applications such as photovoltaics and electrochemical systems. Her primary programming language is Julia, but she also works in Python and MATLAB.
Paul La Plante is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His research interests are primarily in astrophysics and cosmology, where he runs cosmological simulations and develops novel data analysis techniques for processing telescope data. He is also interested in applying machine learning methods to astronomy problems.
Associate professor (Maître de conférence) at the Université Aix-Marseille (Marseille, FR), my research focus on high dimensional statistics and dependence structure estimations, with various fields of applications. Fully qualified actuary, I do have a taste for numerical code and open-source software.
Associate-professor at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Particularly interested in combining the fields of geographical information systems (GIS) and computational geometry, with an emphasis on 3D modelling.
Mike is a data scientist working on water data delivery with the US Geological Survey. Interests include data access and delivery, modeling spatial data and assessing the results, and new visualization approaches for high-resolution data. He maintains multiple R packages (including waywiser, spatialsample, and rsi) and is an author on rsample.
Brian McFee is Assistant Professor of Music Technology and Data Science New York University. His work lies at the intersection of machine learning and audio analysis. He is an active open source software developer, and the principal maintainer of the librosa package for audio analysis.
Rocco is a Research Software Engineer at the Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS), working on materials science and quantum chemistry applications.
Postdoctoral researcher in the department of Computational Materials Design at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung. I work on developing software and workflows to enable reproducible research in Materials Science as part of the NFDI-MatWerk consortium. My research includes the calculation of thermodynamic quantities from the atomistic scale, with methods such as molecular dynamics. Developer of pyscal and calphy.
I am a statistical physicist working on biomolecular problems using machine learning.
Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba Department of Computer Science and Associate Researcher at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence. My research areas include computational linguistics and language technology. Maintainer of various Free Software projects, including GPP.
I'm a lead developer at FreePro in Marseille, France working on researching and developing AI products in the telecom domain. In the past, I worked as a data scientist at the University of Groningen tackling several projects in computor vision, NLP, and statistical methods and I worked at Inria Saclay as a developer on Nilearn, an open source python package for applying machine learning and statistical methods on brain imaging data. I'm passionate about open source software and the communities around it. I mainly work in Python.
I'm a Computational Scientist with the Pacific Northwest National Lab in Washington DC , USA. I have experience developing scientific software related to land use change, food and agrosystems and energy systems. The core languages I have experience with include R, python, C and C++.
Lorena Pantano is the Director of Bioinformatics Platform at Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core, she is focused on genomic regulation and data integration/visualization, and has 13 years of experience in biological data analysis and contributing to novel algorithms to improve the quantification and visualization of genomic data.
I am Mahfuzur Rahman, a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Lowe's Home Centers. I am based in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the USA. I study, evaluate, and productionalize Large Language Model (LLM) based RAG systems at Lowe's. I have a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in Computer Science, focusing on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. I am equipped to edit works in Machine Learning, MLOps, Software Engineering, and Bioinformatics.
I am a bioinformatician and data analyst working at Univ.of Bergen, Norway. I've been working with various topics within biostatistics, genetic and epigenetic epidemiology, and bioinformatics. I am passionate about open science and data visualization. I like teaching and I am one of the co-founders of R-Ladies Bergen.
Kelly L. Rowland is a Computer Systems Engineer in the User Engagement Group at NERSC at LBNL. She obtained her Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering with a Designated Emphasis in Computational Science and Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.
Anjali Sandip is a Senior Lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of North Dakota. Her research interests include applied mechanics, numerical methods, and high-performance computing. Anjali’s PI-led research projects have received support from NSF, DOE, and NVIDIA. Before her current position, she was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Nebraska, where she developed patient-specific computational models of the superficial femoral artery/ stent interaction to treat peripheral artery disease. Anjali serves as a mentor for both undergraduate and graduate researchers. She is an active member of the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM) and has delivered numerous presentations and published journal articles. Anjali has bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in mechanical engineering.
Professor, working at Econometrics Department of Istanbul University. Lectures on operations research, quantitative techniques in business, and computer programming. Research in computational statistics, optimization, algorithms, and data analysis. Developer and maintainer of many open source projects in several languages including Julia, R, Python, Rust, and JVM based ones. Author of three books on R programming and genetic algorithms.
Peer to peer collaborative and social systems, data formats, standards, lab automation with single board computers. Mild experience with analysis, statistical modeling, etc. tooling but not my specialty. I speak python, javascript (incl. react, node), R, MATLAB. I can read ruby, C, and am working on Rust. Affiliations: - UCLA, Dept. Neurology. Postdoc. - Institute of Pirate Technology. Information Liberation Technician
Lecturer at Dept. of Statistics, LMU Munich Researcher at Munich Center of Machine Learning Expertise in supervised learning (statistical modelling, machine learning), Bayesian methods, dimension reduction/representation learning. Research focus on functional data. R developer with multiple CRAN packages.
Jacob Schreiber is a post-doctoral researcher at Stanford University. His research primarily involves answering questions in genomics by applying, or developing, machine learning methodologies to large amounts of data. In the course of this work, he has served as a core developer for scikit-learn and has written several machine learning packages for Python.
As an Atmospheric Scientist at the Danish Meteorological Institute, Hauke is focusing on advancing our understanding of atmospheric convection and improvements of forecasting. His research integrates various methods including ground-based lidar/radar observations, satellite observations, large-eddy simulations, and machine learning techniques.
Adi Singh is the founder and CEO of Komment AI, an enterprise-grade software documentation engine. Based out of Munich, Germany, his core expertise lies in natural language processing, large-scale infrastructure engineering, and autonomous behavior design of robots. Previously, Adi was Senior Prototyping Architect for Robotics and AI at Amazon with tenures at Canonical and Ford. Adi holds two degrees from Stanford University.
Assistant professor in the faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Former research scientist at MIT. Conducting research in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, developing code for digital image correlation, finite element analysis, and various biomechanical problems.
I am an assistant professor at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery and the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Originally from Mexico City, I did my Undergraduate degrees in Actuarial Sciences and Applied Mathematics at ITAM. Then, I did a MA in Mathematics and a PhD in Statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I work to develop statistical models to answer biological questions, balancing biological interpretability, theoretical guarantees, and computational tractability.
Research Associate at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research in Basel, Switzerland, with a research background mainly in development and evaluation of analysis methods for transcriptomics data. Developer and maintainer of several open-source R packages for analysis, quality assessment and interactive visualization of high-throughput biological data.
Professor of Biostatistics, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. Research interests include development of statistical and machine learning methods with applications in cognitive neuroscience. Developer and maintainer of several R packages.
Professor of Cognitive Science, Head of the Department of Computer Science, and Institutional Lead for Open and Reproducible Research at the University of Manchester. His research interests include open and reproducible research, eye-movements during written language comprehension, the processing of data visualisations, and conditional reasoning.
I am a (Software) Research Engineer at Sorbonne University, working on tools for computational neuroscience. My main development work revolves around the Brian simulator, a simulator for biological spiking neural networks. Apart from numerical modeling, I am also very interested in data visualization and, of course, Open Science and Free and Open Source. I am also a certified instructor for Software Carpentry.
Research Scientist in Audio-ML. His main research interest is in audio processing for music and speech. He recently also became involved in ecoacoustics and cognitive sciences and is a strong advocate for open and reproducible research. Fabian received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany.
Fei TAO is a Solution Consultant at Dassault Systèmes. He received his Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette. His research focused on computational mechanics, mechanics of composites, finite element method, and machine learning.
Professor and Chairperson of the Computer Science department at Loyola University Chicago, and visiting computer scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory Leadership Computing Facility. Research interests: programming languages, computer systems, computational science, digital humanities, parallel and distributed computing, software engineering, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, and interdisciplinary applications. Past editor-in-chief of IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering.
Research Scientist at MIT. Her work focuses on science of science, research reproducibility, bibliometrics, big data workflows, and research data and software sharing and preservation. Before this role, she was a postdoctoral scholar at Harvard University and University of Chicago. She completed her Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and CERN in 2018.
Adam is Head Research Engineer at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre & Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at UCL. He leads the Neuroinformatics Unit, a research software engineering group building tools for neuroscience and machine learning. He also co-founded the BrainGlobe computational neuroanatomy initiative.
Biologist, quantitative ecologist and open science enthusiast at Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil, where he coordinates the Quantitative Ecology Lab. He is interested in a wide range of topics related to evolutionary ecology and conservation biology, but also in other fields such as active learning methods and digital games in education.
Rachel is an oceanographer and a cloud engineer interested in developing software tools to enable earth sciences. She is currently working as the cloud infrastructure and coding education lead for the NASA Student Airborne Research Program. Areas of particular interest for Rachel include cloud native file formats and computer science education for earth science researchers.
Britta Westner is a teaching fellow and researcher at the Donders Institute at the RadboudUMC Nijmegen, focusing on visual processing as well as the intersection of vision, memory, and language, using electrophysiological methods. Britta is enthusiastic about data analysis methods and is a core developer of MNE-Python, an open source analysis package for neurophysiological data.
Assistant Professor at Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), using atomistic modelling to study materials for renewable energy technologies. Developing software for pre- and post-processing large-scale electronic-structure calculations and spreading the "better software, better research" message as a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute. Happy to edit papers in the following fields: materials science, quantum chemistry, electronic structure, solid state physics, thermodynamics, RSE tooling.
I am a Professor in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida, where I am also a member of the UF Artificial Intelligence and Informatics Research Institute. I study data-intensive problems in ecology including ecological forecasting and combining high resolution remote sensing with computer vision models to monitor and understand forests and wildlife at large scales. We focus on real world applications through collaborations with multiple federal agencies and the development of research software in R and Python. Areas that I am particularly qualified to handle include data acquisition and management, object detection/classification in imagery, time-series modeling, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, and software related to teaching computational skills to others.
Associate professor for the transition of energy systems at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. Her junior research groups focuses on pathways to climate neutral and sustainable energy systems with a foucs on sufficiency, thus an absolute reduction of energy demand. Different energy and sector models support her research for reaching sustainable energy, building, industry and transport sectors.
Mengqi Zhao is an Earth Scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. She is an expert in modeling hydrologic and water resources systems across diverse spatiotemporal scales, and her research emphasizes the broader context surrounding water, including its role in shaping the complex interactions among energy-water-land-climate systems. She is interested in using novel, integrated Multisector Dynamics (MSD) models to understand the global-national-regional impacts of climate and socioeconomic change on energy-water-land systems.
Computational material scientist working on material discovery using electronic structure theory, crystal structure prediction, high-throughput screening and multiscale modelling toolkits. Expertise in Python/Julia and has some Fortran knowledge. Experienced user of CASTEP, VASP, LAMMPS, GULP, ase, pymatgen.
Tania Allard, Mikkel Meyer Andersen, Lorena A Barba, Katy Barnhart, Eloisa Bentivegna, Kakia Chatsiou, Jason Clark, Jarvist Moore Frost, George Githinji, Richard Gowers, Hugo Gruson, Roman Valls Guimera, Melissa Gymrek, David Hagan, Alex Hanna, Alice Harpole, Chris Hartgerink, Bita Hasheminezhad, Lindsey Heagy, Christina Hedges, Gracielle Higino, Kathryn Huff, Aoife Hughes, Anisha Keshavan, Thomas J. Leeper, Christopher R. Madan, Abigail Cabunoc Mayes, Melissa Weber Mendonça, Lorena Mesa, Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Stefan Pfenninger, Viviane Pons, Jack Poulson, Pjotr Prins, Andrew Quinn, Karthik Ram, Kristina Riemer, Amy Roberts, Marie E. Rognes, Ariel Rokem, Will Rowe, David P. Sanders, Matthew Sottile, Ben Stabler, Jemma Stachelek, Yuan Tang, Tracy Teal, Tim Tröndle, Leonardo Uieda, Jake Vanderplas, Bruce E. Wilson, Yo Yehudi
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Under the NumFOCUS nonprofit umbrella, JOSS is now eligible to seek grants for sustaining its future. With an entirely volunteer team, JOSS is seeking to sustain its operations via donations and grants, keeping its low cost of operation and free service for authors.
In the spirit of transparency, below is an outline of our current running costs:
Assuming a publication rate of 200 papers per year this works out at ~$4.75 per paper ((19*12) + 200 + 275 + 250) / 200.
A more detailed analysis of our running costs is available on our blog.
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ISSN 2475-9066