Editor: @csoneson (all papers)
Reviewers: @flashton2003 (all reviews), @mbhall88 (all reviews)
Joseph S. Wirth (0000-0002-9750-2845), Lee S. Katz (0000-0002-2533-9161), Grant M. Williams (0000-0002-6033-485X), Jessica C. Chen (0000-0002-9320-6774)
Wirth et al., (2024). primerForge: a Python program for identifying primer pairs capable of distinguishing groups of genomes from each other. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(101), 6850, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06850
microbial ecology microbiology molecular biology molecular epidemiology PCR polymerase chain reaction primers
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ISSN 2475-9066