Editor: @danielskatz (all papers)
Reviewers: @chrishavlin (all reviews), @rougier (all reviews), @phamvanvung (all reviews)
Eleftherios Garyfallidis (0000-0002-3991-2774), Serge Koudoro (0000-0002-9819-9884), Javier Guaje (0000-0003-3534-3794), Marc-Alex Côté (0000-0002-5147-7859), Soham Biswas (0000-0002-8449-2107), David Reagan (0000-0002-8359-7580), Nasim Anousheh (0000-0002-5931-7753), Filipi Silva (0000-0002-9151-6517), Geoffrey Fox (0000-0003-1017-1391), Fury Contributors
Garyfallidis et al., (2021). FURY: advanced scientific visualization. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(64), 3384, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03384
scientific visualization 3D rendering Shaders Vulkan
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ISSN 2475-9066