Editor: @csoneson (all papers)
Reviewers: @afrubin (all reviews), @andrefaure (all reviews), @thorvere (all reviews)
Sarah K. Hilton (0000-0001-9278-3644), John Huddleston (0000-0002-4250-2063), Allison Black (0000-0002-6618-4127), Khrystyna North, Adam S. Dingens (0000-0001-9603-9409), Trevor Bedford (0000-0002-4039-5794), Jesse D. Bloom (0000-0003-1267-3408)
Hilton et al., (2020). dms-view: Interactive visualization tool for deep mutational scanning data. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(52), 2353, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02353
Javascript D3 molecular biology protein evolution data visualization
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