Editor: @lheagy (all papers)
Reviewers: @flohorovicic (all reviews)
Romain Beucher (0000-0003-3891-5444), Louis Moresi (0000-0003-3685-174X), Julian Giordani (0000-0003-4515-9296), John Mansour (0000-0001-5865-1664), Dan Sandiford (0000-0002-2207-6837), Rebecca Farrington (0000-0002-2594-6965), Luke Mondy (0000-0001-7779-509X), Claire Mallard (0000-0003-2595-2414), Patrice Rey (0000-0002-1767-8593), Guillaume Duclaux (0000-0002-9512-7252), Owen Kaluza (0000-0001-6303-5671), Arijit Laik (0000-0002-3484-7985), Sara Morón (0000-0002-1270-4377)
Beucher et al., (2019). UWGeodynamics: A teaching and research tool for numerical geodynamic modelling. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(36), 1136, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01136
geodynamics geophysics geology earth science tectonics rift subduction basin evolution orogenic collision subduction sandbox experiment stokes
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