Editor: @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman (all papers)
Reviewers: @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman (all reviews)
Luiz Irber (0000-0003-4371-9659), N. Tessa Pierce-Ward (0000-0002-2942-5331), Mohamed Abuelanin (0000-0002-3419-4785), Harriet Alexander (0000-0003-1308-8008), Abhishek Anant (0000-0002-5751-2010), Keya Barve (0000-0003-3241-2117), Colton Baumler (0000-0002-5926-7792), Olga Botvinnik (0000-0003-4412-7970), Phillip Brooks (0000-0003-3987-244X), Daniel Dsouza (0000-0001-7843-8596), Laurent Gautier (0000-0003-0638-3391), Mahmudur Rahman Hera (0000-0002-5992-9012), Hannah Eve Houts (0000-0002-7954-4793), Lisa K. Johnson (0000-0002-3600-7218), Fabian Klötzl (0000-0002-6930-0592), David Koslicki (0000-0002-0640-954X), Marisa Lim (0000-0003-2097-8818), Ricky Lim (0000-0003-1313-7076), Bradley Nelson (0009-0001-1553-932X), Ivan Ogasawara (0000-0001-5049-4289), Taylor Reiter (0000-0002-7388-421X), Camille Scott (0000-0001-8822-8779), Andreas Sjödin (0000-0001-5350-4219), Daniel Standage (0000-0003-0342-8531), S. Joshua Swamidass (0000-0003-2191-0778), Connor Tiffany (0000-0001-8188-7720), Pranathi Vemuri (0000-0002-5748-9594), Erik Young (0000-0002-9195-9801), C. Titus Brown (0000-0001-6001-2677)
Irber et al., (2024). sourmash v4: A multitool to quickly search, compare, and analyze genomic and metagenomic data sets. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(98), 6830, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06830
FracMinHash MinHash k-mers Rust
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