Editor: @diehlpk (all papers)
Reviewers: @acrlakshman (all reviews), @NoujoudNader (all reviews)
Marc Schouler (0000-0002-3708-4135), Robert Alexander Caulk (0000-0001-5618-8629), Lucas Meyer (0000-0001-5386-5997), Théophile Terraz, Christoph Conrads, Sebastian Friedemann, Achal Agarwal (0000-0002-3216-4769), Juan Manuel Baldonado, Bartłomiej Pogodziński, Anna Sekuła (0000-0003-3524-3160), Alejandro Ribes, Bruno Raffin
Schouler et al., (2023). Melissa: coordinating large-scale ensemble runs for deep learning and sensitivity analyses. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(86), 5291, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05291
supercomputing sensitivity analysis deep learning distributed systems orchestration
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ISSN 2475-9066