Editor: @gkthiruvathukal (all papers)
Reviewers: @mgalloy (all reviews), @mohawk2 (all reviews)
Jeongbin Park (0000-0002-9064-4912), Gilles Duvert (0000-0001-8769-3660), Alain Coulais (0000-0001-6492-7719), Gregory V. Jung, Sylwester Arabas (0000-0003-2361-0082), Brian Barker, Takeshi Enomoto, Sylvain Flinois, Oliver Gressel, Tomas Hillberg, Thibault Huillet, Jan Kohnert, Orion Poplawski, Eloi Rozier de Linage, Remi A. Solås, Luke Stagner (0000-0001-5516-3729), Ole Streicher (0000-0001-7751-1843), James Tappin, Thierry Thomas, Jingwei Wang, Christian Wimmer
Park et al., (2022). GNU Data Language 1.0: a free/libre and open-source drop-in replacement for IDL/PV-WAVE. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(80), 4633, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.04633
GNU Data Language Interactive Data Language GDL PV-WAVE
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