GRChombo: An adaptable numerical relativity code for fundamental physics

C++ Mathematica Submitted 03 August 2021Published 10 December 2021

Editor: @rkurchin (all papers)
Reviewers: @sbozzolo (all reviews), @rashti-alireza (all reviews)


Tomas Andrade (0000-0002-2472-114X), Llibert Areste Salo (0000-0002-3812-8523), Josu C. Aurrekoetxea (0000-0001-9584-5791), Jamie Bamber (0000-0001-7181-3365), Katy Clough (0000-0001-8841-1522), Robin Croft (0000-0002-1236-6566), Eloy de Jong (0000-0002-4505-0808), Amelia Drew (0000-0001-8252-602X), Alejandro Duran, Pedro G. Ferreira (0000-0002-3021-2851), Pau Figueras (0000-0001-6438-315X), Hal Finkel (0000-0002-7551-7122), Tiago Fran\c{c}a (0000-0002-1718-151X), Bo-Xuan Ge (0000-0003-0738-3473), Chenxia Gu (0000-0001-9537-6139), Thomas Helfer (0000-0001-6880-1005), Juha Jäykkä (0000-0002-5929-3931), Cristian Joana (0000-0003-4642-3028), Markus Kunesch (0000-0003-3818-7897), Kacper Kornet (0000-0001-8376-8231), Eugene A. Lim (0000-0002-6227-9540), Francesco Muia (0000-0002-4872-6172), Zainab Nazari (0000-0002-2955-7262), Miren Radia (0000-0001-8861-2025), Justin Ripley (0000-0001-7192-0021), Paul Shellard, Ulrich Sperhake (0000-0002-3134-7088), Dina Traykova (0000-0002-3451-0987), Saran Tunyasuvunakool (0000-0002-1620-6797), Zipeng Wang (0000-0002-4745-8209), James Y. Widdicombe (0000-0003-2269-4544), Kaze Wong (0000-0001-8432-7788)


Andrade et al., (2021). GRChombo: An adaptable numerical relativity code for fundamental physics. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(68), 3703,

@article{Andrade2021, doi = {10.21105/joss.03703}, url = {}, year = {2021}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {6}, number = {68}, pages = {3703}, author = {Tomas Andrade and Llibert Areste Salo and Josu C. Aurrekoetxea and Jamie Bamber and Katy Clough and Robin Croft and Eloy de Jong and Amelia Drew and Alejandro Duran and Pedro G. Ferreira and Pau Figueras and Hal Finkel and Tiago Fran\c{c}a and Bo-Xuan Ge and Chenxia Gu and Thomas Helfer and Juha Jäykkä and Cristian Joana and Markus Kunesch and Kacper Kornet and Eugene A. Lim and Francesco Muia and Zainab Nazari and Miren Radia and Justin Ripley and Paul Shellard and Ulrich Sperhake and Dina Traykova and Saran Tunyasuvunakool and Zipeng Wang and James Y. Widdicombe and Kaze Wong}, title = {GRChombo: An adaptable numerical relativity code for fundamental physics}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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