Editor: @diehlpk (all papers)
Reviewers: @thelfer (all reviews), @FreddieWitherden, (all reviews)
Jed Brown (0000-0002-9945-0639), Ahmad Abdelfattah (0000-0001-5054-4784), Valeria Barra (0000-0003-1129-2056), Natalie Beams (0000-0001-6060-4082), Jean-Sylvain Camier (0000-0003-2421-1999), Veselin Dobrev (0000-0003-1793-5622), Yohann Dudouit (0000-0001-5831-561X), Leila Ghaffari (0000-0002-0965-214X), Tzanio Kolev (0000-0002-2810-3090), David Medina, Will Pazner (0000-0003-4885-2934), Thilina Ratnayaka (0000-0001-6102-6560), Jeremy Thompson (0000-0003-2980-0899), Stan Tomov (0000-0002-5937-7959)
Brown et al., (2021). libCEED: Fast algebra for high-order element-based discretizations. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(63), 2945, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02945
high-performance computing high-order methods finite elements spectral elements matrix-free
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