Editor: @jedbrown (all papers)
Reviewers: @vsangelidakis (all reviews), @slamont1 (all reviews)
Raphaël Prat (0009-0002-3808-5401), Thierry Carrard (0000-0001-9396-4658), Lhassan Amarsid (0009-0009-5120-1308), Vincent Richefeu (0000-0002-8897-5499), Carlo-elia Doncecchi (0009-0009-6361-3131), Paul Lafourcade (0000-0002-4416-6091), Guillaume Latu (0009-0001-7274-1305), Jean-Mathieu Vanson (0000-0002-5764-0928)
Prat et al., (2025). ExaDEM: a HPC application based on exaNBody targeting scalable DEM simulations with complex particle shapes. Journal of Open Source Software, 10(106), 7484, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.07484
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