EchemFEM: A Firedrake-based Python package for electrochemical transport

Python Submitted 01 March 2024Published 31 May 2024

Editor: @RMeli (all papers)
Reviewers: @sudarshanv01 (all reviews), @alizma (all reviews), @TomTranter (all reviews)


Thomas Roy (0000-0002-4286-4507), Julian Andrej (0000-0001-7661-4840), Aymeric Antimes, Victor A. Beck (0000-0002-0625-9545), Victoria Ehlinger (0000-0001-7333-1271), Florian Euzenat, Nitish Govindarajan (0000-0003-3227-5183), Jack Guo (0000-0003-4090-9289), Tiras Y. Lin (0000-0002-3377-9933), Thomas Moore (0000-0003-0802-5547)


Roy et al., (2024). EchemFEM: A Firedrake-based Python package for electrochemical transport. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(97), 6531,

@article{Roy2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.06531}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {97}, pages = {6531}, author = {Thomas Roy and Julian Andrej and Aymeric Antimes and Victor A. Beck and Victoria Ehlinger and Florian Euzenat and Nitish Govindarajan and Jack Guo and Tiras Y. Lin and Thomas Moore}, title = {EchemFEM: A Firedrake-based Python package for electrochemical transport}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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Firedrake Finite Element Method electrochemistry

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