MapReader: Open software for the visual analysis of maps

Python Jupyter Notebook Submitted 15 December 2023Published 26 September 2024

Editor: @emdupre (all papers)
Reviewers: @geekysquirrel (all reviews), @PipGrylls (all reviews), @jordibc (all reviews)


Rosie Wood (0000-0003-1623-1949), Kasra Hosseini (0000-0003-4396-6019), Kalle Westerling (0000-0002-2014-332X), Andrew Smith (0000-0002-4465-2284), Kaspar Beelen (0000-0001-7331-1174), Daniel C.s. Wilson (0000-0001-6886-775X), Katherine McDonough (0000-0001-7506-1025)


Wood et al., (2024). MapReader: Open software for the visual analysis of maps. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(101), 6434,

@article{Wood2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.06434}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {101}, pages = {6434}, author = {Rosie Wood and Kasra Hosseini and Kalle Westerling and Andrew Smith and Kaspar Beelen and Daniel C.s. Wilson and Katherine McDonough}, title = {MapReader: Open software for the visual analysis of maps}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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