Editor: @rkurchin (all papers)
Reviewers: @yuan-gist (all reviews), @atimmins7 (all reviews)
Seán R. Kavanagh (0000-0003-4577-9647), Alexander G. Squires (0000-0001-6967-3690), Adair Nicolson (0000-0002-8889-9369), Irea Mosquera-Lois (0000-0001-7651-0814), Alex M. Ganose (0000-0002-4486-3321), Bonan Zhu (0000-0001-5601-6130), Katarina Brlec (0000-0003-1485-1888), Aron Walsh (0000-0001-5460-7033), David O. Scanlon (0000-0001-9174-8601)
Kavanagh et al., (2024). doped: Python toolkit for robust and repeatable charged defect supercell calculations. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(96), 6433, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06433
materials modelling materials physics materials chemistry thermodynamics point defects DFT VASP pymatgen semiconductors ab initio structure searching materials science finite-size corrections supercell calculations
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