Editor: @lucydot (all papers)
Reviewers: @Chronum94 (all reviews), @naik-aakash (all reviews)
Eric Lindgren (0000-0002-8549-6839), Magnus Rahm (0000-0002-6777-0371), Erik Fransson (0000-0001-5262-3339), Fredrik Eriksson (0000-0002-7945-5483), Nicklas Österbacka (0000-0002-6043-4607), Zheyong Fan (0000-0002-2253-8210), Paul Erhart (0000-0002-2516-6061)
Lindgren et al., (2024). calorine: A Python package for constructing and sampling neuroevolution potential models. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(95), 6264, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06264
condensed matter machine learning interatomic potentials force fields molecular dynamics neuroevolution neural network
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