Editor: @dfm (all papers)
Reviewers: @JostMigenda (all reviews), @GageDeZoort (all reviews)
Andreas Søgaard (0000-0002-0823-056X), Rasmus F. Ørsøe (0000-0001-8890-4124), Morten Holm (0000-0003-1383-2810), Leon Bozianu (0000-0002-1243-9980), Aske Rosted (0000-0003-2410-400X), Troels C. Petersen (0000-0003-0221-3037), Kaare Endrup Iversen (0000-0001-6533-4085), Andreas Hermansen (0009-0006-1162-9770), Tim Guggenmos, Peter Andresen (0009-0008-5759-0490), Martin Ha Minh (0000-0001-7776-4875), Ludwig Neste (0000-0002-4829-3469), Moust Holmes (0009-0000-8530-7041), Axel Pontén (0009-0008-2463-2930), Kayla Leonard DeHolton (0000-0002-8795-0601), Philipp Eller (0000-0001-6354-5209)
Søgaard et al., (2023). GraphNeT: Graph neural networks for neutrino telescope event reconstruction. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(85), 4971, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.04971
machine learning deep learning neural networks graph neural networks astrophysics particle physics neutrinos
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