OpenMSIStream: A Python package for facilitating integration of streaming data in diverse laboratory environments

Python Submitted 07 October 2022Published 09 March 2023

Editor: @pibion (all papers)
Reviewers: @lucask07 (all reviews), @SergeyYakubov (all reviews)


Margaret Eminizer (0000-0003-4591-2225), Sam Tabrisky, Amir Sharifzadeh (0000-0002-4100-4898), Christopher DiMarco (0000-0002-2267-938X), Jacob M. Diamond (0000-0001-7905-4260), K.t. Ramesh (0000-0003-2659-4698), Todd C. Hufnagel (0000-0002-6373-9377), Tyrel M. McQueen (0000-0002-8493-4630), David Elbert (0000-0002-2292-180X)


Eminizer et al., (2023). OpenMSIStream: A Python package for facilitating integration of streaming data in diverse laboratory environments. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(83), 4896,

@article{Eminizer2023, doi = {10.21105/joss.04896}, url = {}, year = {2023}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {8}, number = {83}, pages = {4896}, author = {Margaret Eminizer and Sam Tabrisky and Amir Sharifzadeh and Christopher DiMarco and Jacob M. Diamond and K.t. Ramesh and Todd C. Hufnagel and Tyrel M. McQueen and David Elbert}, title = {OpenMSIStream: A Python package for facilitating integration of streaming data in diverse laboratory environments}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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