PyMedPhys: A community effort to develop an open, Python-based standard library for medical physics applications

Python JavaScript TypeScript Submitted 12 June 2022Published 16 October 2022

Editor: @osorensen (all papers)
Reviewers: @ProfLeao (all reviews), @gbaltz (all reviews)


Simon Biggs (0000-0003-2058-7868), Matthew Jennings (0000-0002-1288-2683), Stuart Swerdloff (0000-0003-0754-4679), Phillip Chlap (0000-0002-6517-8745), Derek Lane (0000-0002-4148-1213), Jacob Rembish (0000-0002-6508-4175), Jacob McAloney (0000-0001-8060-6907), Paul King (0000-0001-6748-4538), Rafael Ayala (0000-0001-6925-6176), Fada Guan (0000-0001-8477-7391), Nicola Lambri (0000-0001-8706-6480), Cody Crewson, Matthew Sobolewski


Biggs et al., (2022). PyMedPhys: A community effort to develop an open, Python-based standard library for medical physics applications. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(78), 4555,

@article{Biggs2022, doi = {10.21105/joss.04555}, url = {}, year = {2022}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {7}, number = {78}, pages = {4555}, author = {Simon Biggs and Matthew Jennings and Stuart Swerdloff and Phillip Chlap and Derek Lane and Jacob Rembish and Jacob McAloney and Paul King and Rafael Ayala and Fada Guan and Nicola Lambri and Cody Crewson and Matthew Sobolewski}, title = {PyMedPhys: A community effort to develop an open, Python-based standard library for medical physics applications}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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