Connectome Mapper 3: A Flexible and Open-Source Pipeline Software for Multiscale Multimodal Human Connectome Mapping

Python Submitted 22 February 2022Published 27 June 2022

Editor: @osorensen (all papers)
Reviewers: @adbartni (all reviews), @jsheunis (all reviews)


Sebastien Tourbier (0000-0002-4441-899X), Joan Rue-Queralt (0000-0002-9595-4557), Katharina Glomb (0000-0002-4596-4386), Yasser Aleman-Gomez (0000-0001-6067-8639), Emeline Mullier (0000-0001-6209-0791), Alessandra Griffa (0000-0003-1923-1653), Mikkel Schöttner (0000-0002-4521-9837), Jonathan Wirsich (0000-0003-0588-9710), M. Anıl Tuncel (0000-0003-0317-2556), Jakub Jancovic (0000-0002-3312-3918), Meritxell Bach Cuadra (0000-0003-2730-4285), Patric Hagmann (0000-0002-2854-6561)


Tourbier et al., (2022). Connectome Mapper 3: A Flexible and Open-Source Pipeline Software for Multiscale Multimodal Human Connectome Mapping. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(74), 4248,

@article{Tourbier2022, doi = {10.21105/joss.04248}, url = {}, year = {2022}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {7}, number = {74}, pages = {4248}, author = {Sebastien Tourbier and Joan Rue-Queralt and Katharina Glomb and Yasser Aleman-Gomez and Emeline Mullier and Alessandra Griffa and Mikkel Schöttner and Jonathan Wirsich and M. Anıl Tuncel and Jakub Jancovic and Meritxell Bach Cuadra and Patric Hagmann}, title = {Connectome Mapper 3: A Flexible and Open-Source Pipeline Software for Multiscale Multimodal Human Connectome Mapping}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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