Editor: @eloisabentivegna (all papers)
Reviewers: @kegiljarhus (all reviews), @bonh (all reviews), @joshia5 (all reviews)
Ann Almgren (0000-0003-2103-312X), Maria Barrios Sazo (0000-0002-3185-9809), John Bell (0000-0002-5749-334X), Alice Harpole (0000-0002-1530-781X), Max Katz (0000-0003-0439-4556), Jean Sexton (0000-0003-2551-1678), Donald Willcox (0000-0003-2300-5165), Weiqun Zhang (0000-0001-8092-1974), Michael Zingale (0000-0001-8401-030X)
Almgren et al., (2020). CASTRO: A Massively Parallel Compressible Astrophysics Simulation Code. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(54), 2513, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.02513
C++ Fortran90 convection hydrodynamics nuclear reactions nucleosynthesis abundances supernovae
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