Chaste: Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment

Python Java Matlab Submitted 13 September 2019Published 13 March 2020

Editor: @meg-simula (all papers)
Reviewers: @finsberg (all reviews), @IgorBaratta (all reviews)


Fergus R. Cooper (0000-0002-6221-4288), Ruth E. Baker (0000-0002-6304-9333), Miguel O. Bernabeu (0000-0002-6456-3756), Rafel Bordas (0000-0002-0856-544X), Louise Bowler (0000-0002-4910-9205), Alfonso Bueno-Orovio (0000-0002-1634-3601), Helen M. Byrne (0000-0003-1771-5910), Valentina Carapella (0000-0001-9750-9425), Louie Cardone-Noott, Jonathan Cooper (0000-0001-6009-3542), Sara Dutta, Benjamin D. Evans (0000-0002-1734-6070), Alexander G. Fletcher (0000-0003-0525-4336), James A. Grogan, Wenxian Guo (0000-0001-8130-3326), Daniel G. Harvey, Maurice Hendrix (0000-0002-6621-7996), David Kay (0000-0003-4984-3669), Jochen Kursawe (0000-0002-0314-9623), Philip K. Maini (0000-0002-0146-9164), Beth McMillan (0000-0002-2605-1733), Gary R. Mirams (0000-0002-4569-4312), James M. Osborne (0000-0002-5622-0104), Pras Pathmanathan (0000-0003-2111-6689), Joe M. Pitt-Francis (0000-0002-5094-5403), Martin Robinson (0000-0002-1572-6782), Blanca Rodriguez (0000-0002-3435-7388), Raymond J. Spiteri, David J. Gavaghan (0000-0001-8311-3200)


Cooper et al., (2020). Chaste: Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(47), 1848,

@article{Cooper2020, doi = {10.21105/joss.01848}, url = {}, year = {2020}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {5}, number = {47}, pages = {1848}, author = {Fergus R. Cooper and Ruth E. Baker and Miguel O. Bernabeu and Rafel Bordas and Louise Bowler and Alfonso Bueno-Orovio and Helen M. Byrne and Valentina Carapella and Louie Cardone-Noott and Jonathan Cooper and Sara Dutta and Benjamin D. Evans and Alexander G. Fletcher and James A. Grogan and Wenxian Guo and Daniel G. Harvey and Maurice Hendrix and David Kay and Jochen Kursawe and Philip K. Maini and Beth McMillan and Gary R. Mirams and James M. Osborne and Pras Pathmanathan and Joe M. Pitt-Francis and Martin Robinson and Blanca Rodriguez and Raymond J. Spiteri and David J. Gavaghan}, title = {Chaste: Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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