Editor: @cMadan (all papers)
Reviewers: @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman (all reviews)
Andre Schmeißer (0000-0002-4400-9635), Daniel Burkhart, Dominik Linn, Johannes Schnebele, Manuel Ettmüller, Simone Gramsch (0000-0002-6720-9840), Walter Arne (0000-0001-5364-3788)
Schmeißer et al., (2017). Ensight4Matlab: read, process, and write files in EnSight® Gold format from C++ or MATLAB®. Journal of Open Source Software, 2(20), 217, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.00217
Data import Ensight Gold CFD Matlab-Wrapper
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ISSN 2475-9066