Pyrokinetics - A Python library to standardise gyrokinetic analysis

Python Submitted 31 August 2023Published 06 March 2024

Editor: @kellyrowland (all papers)
Reviewers: @the-rccg (all reviews), @rogeriojorge (all reviews)


Bhavin S. Patel (0000-0003-0121-1187), Peter Hill (0000-0003-3092-1858), Liam Pattinson (0000-0001-8604-6904), Maurizio Giacomin (0000-0003-2821-2008), Arkaprava Bokshi (0000-0001-7095-7172), Daniel Kennedy (0000-0001-7666-782X), Harry G. Dudding (0000-0002-3413-0861), Jason. F. Parisi (0000-0003-1328-7154), Tom F. Neiser (0000-0002-8763-3016), Ajay C. Jayalekshmi (0000-0002-6447-581X), David Dickinson (0000-0002-0868-211X), Juan Ruiz Ruiz (0000-0003-4258-5273)


Patel et al., (2024). Pyrokinetics - A Python library to standardise gyrokinetic analysis. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(95), 5866,

@article{Patel2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.05866}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {95}, pages = {5866}, author = {Bhavin S. Patel and Peter Hill and Liam Pattinson and Maurizio Giacomin and Arkaprava Bokshi and Daniel Kennedy and Harry G. Dudding and Jason. F. Parisi and Tom F. Neiser and Ajay C. Jayalekshmi and David Dickinson and Juan Ruiz Ruiz}, title = {Pyrokinetics - A Python library to standardise gyrokinetic analysis}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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