SubsetTools: A Python package to subset data to build and run ParFlow hydrologic models

Python Submitted 15 March 2024Published 17 July 2024

Editor: @cheginit (all papers)
Reviewers: @JannisHoch (all reviews), @dvalters (all reviews)


Amanda K. Triplett (0009-0009-8085-3938), Georgios Artavanis (0009-0007-6015-7746), William M. Hasling, Reed M. Maxwell (0000-0002-1364-4441), Amy Defnet (0000-0003-2261-708X), Amy M. Johnson, William Lytle, Andrew Bennett, Elena Leonarduzzi, Lisa K. Gallagher, Laura E. Condon (0000-0003-3639-8076)


Triplett et al., (2024). SubsetTools: A Python package to subset data to build and run ParFlow hydrologic models. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(99), 6752,

@article{Triplett2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.06752}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {99}, pages = {6752}, author = {Amanda K. Triplett and Georgios Artavanis and William M. Hasling and Reed M. Maxwell and Amy Defnet and Amy M. Johnson and William Lytle and Andrew Bennett and Elena Leonarduzzi and Lisa K. Gallagher and Laura E. Condon}, title = {SubsetTools: A Python package to subset data to build and run ParFlow hydrologic models}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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