DataRepExp: a R shiny Application that makes Data FAIR for Data Repositories

R Submitted 01 March 2024Published 30 September 2024

Editor: @crvernon (all papers)
Reviewers: @elimillera (all reviews), @pydemull (all reviews), @ZekeMarshall (all reviews)


Rory Chen (0000-0002-2094-2682), Vibeke S. Catts (0000-0002-9892-0547), Ashleigh Vella (0000-0002-5653-5077), Juan Carlo San Jose (0000-0002-2365-9153), Sarah Bauermeister (0000-0001-9463-6971), Joshua Bauermeister (0000-0002-9154-1392), Emma Squires (0000-0003-0693-5846), Simon Thompson (0000-0001-6799-0705), John Gallacher (0000-0002-2394-5299), Perminder S. Sachdev (0000-0002-9595-3220)


Chen et al., (2024). DataRepExp: a R shiny Application that makes Data FAIR for Data Repositories. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(101), 6693,

@article{Chen2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.06693}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {101}, pages = {6693}, author = {Rory Chen and Vibeke S. Catts and Ashleigh Vella and Juan Carlo San Jose and Sarah Bauermeister and Joshua Bauermeister and Emma Squires and Simon Thompson and John Gallacher and Perminder S. Sachdev}, title = {DataRepExp: a R shiny Application that makes Data FAIR for Data Repositories}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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