Pybehave: a hardware agnostic, Python-based framework for controlling behavioral neuroscience experiments

Python C Submitted 16 February 2024Published 05 June 2024

Editor: @sappelhoff (all papers)
Reviewers: @tuliofalmeida (all reviews), @alustig3 (all reviews)


Evan M. Dastin-van Rijn (0000-0002-1428-0723), Joel Nielsen, Elizabeth M. Sachse (0000-0002-1669-8752), Christina Li, Megan E. Mensinger, Stefanie G. Simpson, Michelle C. Buccini, Francesca A. Iacobucci, David J. Titus (0000-0001-7819-734X), Alik S. Widge (0000-0001-8510-341X)


Dastin-van Rijn et al., (2024). Pybehave: a hardware agnostic, Python-based framework for controlling behavioral neuroscience experiments. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(98), 6515,

@article{Dastin-van Rijn2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.06515}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {98}, pages = {6515}, author = {Evan M. Dastin-van Rijn and Joel Nielsen and Elizabeth M. Sachse and Christina Li and Megan E. Mensinger and Stefanie G. Simpson and Michelle C. Buccini and Francesca A. Iacobucci and David J. Titus and Alik S. Widge}, title = {Pybehave: a hardware agnostic, Python-based framework for controlling behavioral neuroscience experiments}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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