Editor: @fraukewiese (all papers)
Reviewers: @loeffko (all reviews), @david-huck (all reviews)
Manuel Wetzel (0000-0001-7838-2414), Eugenio Salvador Arellano Ruiz (0000-0003-2508-3976), Francesco Witte (0000-0003-4019-0390), Jens Schmugge (0000-0002-8889-682X), Shima Sasanpour (0000-0002-7502-6841), Madhura Yeligeti (0000-0002-9643-465X), Fabia Miorelli (0000-0001-5095-5401), Jan Buschmann (0009-0002-8626-8413), Karl-Kiên Cao (0000-0002-9720-0337), Niklas Wulff (0000-0002-4659-6984), Hedda Gardian (0000-0003-1113-0225), Alexander Rubbert (0000-0001-6621-9900), Benjamin Fuchs (0000-0002-7820-851X), Yvonne Scholz (0000-0002-1633-3825), Hans Christian Gils (0000-0001-6745-6609)
Wetzel et al., (2024). REMix: A GAMS-based framework for optimizing energy system models. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(99), 6330, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06330
energy systems modeling optimization renewable energy systems
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