Editor: @britta-wstnr (all papers)
Reviewers: @nbeliy (all reviews), @adswa (all reviews), @pjtoussaint (all reviews)
Anthony Galassi (0000-0001-6550-4574), Martin Norgaard (0000-0003-2131-5688), Adam G. Thomas (0000-0002-2850-1419), Gabriel Gonzalez-Escamilla (0000-0002-7209-1736), Claus Svarer (0000-0001-7811-1825), Chris Rorden (0000-0002-7554-6142), Granville J. Matheson (0000-0002-5646-4547), Gitte M. Knudsen (0000-0003-1508-6866), Robert B. Innis (0000-0003-1238-7209), Melanie Ganz (0000-0002-9120-8098), Cyrus Eierud (0000-0002-9942-676X), Murat Bilgel (0000-0001-5042-7422), Cyril Pernet (0000-0003-4010-4632)
Galassi et al., (2024). PET2BIDS: a library for converting Positron Emission Tomography data to BIDS. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(100), 6067, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06067
Matlab Python brain imaging positron emission tomography (PET) brain imaging data structure (BIDS)
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