Raphtory: The temporal graph engine for Rust and Python

Python Rust Submitted 26 June 2023Published 27 March 2024

Editor: @luizirber (all papers)
Reviewers: @abhishektiwari (all reviews), @arashbm (all reviews)


Ben Steer (0000-0001-9446-5690), Naomi A. Arnold (0000-0001-6396-4788), Cheick Tidiane (0000-0002-4035-7464), Renaud Lambiotte (0000-0002-0583-4595), Haaroon Yousaf (0000-0001-5098-5811), Lucas Jeub (0000-0001-8941-9227), Fabian Murariu, Shivam Kapoor, Pedro Rico (0000-0002-4698-8435), Rachel Chan, Louis Chan, James Alford, Richard G. Clegg (0000-0001-7241-6679), Felix Cuadrado (0000-0002-5745-1609), Matthew Russell Barnes, Peijie Zhong, John Pougué-Biyong (0000-0002-6582-193X), Alhamza Alnaimi


Steer et al., (2024). Raphtory: The temporal graph engine for Rust and Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(95), 5940, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05940

@article{Steer2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.05940}, url = {https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05940}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {95}, pages = {5940}, author = {Ben Steer and Naomi A. Arnold and Cheick Tidiane and Renaud Lambiotte and Haaroon Yousaf and Lucas Jeub and Fabian Murariu and Shivam Kapoor and Pedro Rico and Rachel Chan and Louis Chan and James Alford and Richard G. Clegg and Felix Cuadrado and Matthew Russell Barnes and Peijie Zhong and John Pougué-Biyong and Alhamza Alnaimi}, title = {Raphtory: The temporal graph engine for Rust and Python}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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