HNN-core: A Python software for cellular and circuit-level interpretation of human MEG/EEG

Python Jupyter Notebook AMPL Submitted 23 August 2023Published 15 December 2023

Editor: @bmcfee (all papers)
Reviewers: @isdanni (all reviews), @neurofractal (all reviews)


Mainak Jas (0000-0002-3199-9027), Ryan Thorpe (0000-0003-2491-8599), Nicholas Tolley (0000-0003-0358-0074), Christopher Bailey (0000-0003-3318-3344), Steven Brandt, Blake Caldwell (0000-0002-6882-6998), Huzi Cheng, Dylan Daniels (0009-0008-1958-353X), Carolina Fernandez Pujol (0009-0003-0611-1270), Mostafa Khalil, Samika Kanekar (0000-0002-6111-4461), Carmen Kohl (0000-0001-7585-595X), Orsolya Kolozsvári (0000-0002-1619-6314), Kaisu Lankinen (0000-0003-2210-2385), Kenneth Loi, Sam Neymotin (0000-0003-3646-5195), Rajat Partani (0000-0002-6863-7046), Mattan Pelah, Alex Rockhill (0000-0003-3868-7453), Mohamed Sherif (0000-0002-8951-1645), Matti Hamalainen (0000-0001-6841-112X), Stephanie Jones (0000-0001-6760-5301)


Jas et al., (2023). HNN-core: A Python software for cellular and circuit-level interpretation of human MEG/EEG. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(92), 5848,

@article{Jas2023, doi = {10.21105/joss.05848}, url = {}, year = {2023}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {8}, number = {92}, pages = {5848}, author = {Mainak Jas and Ryan Thorpe and Nicholas Tolley and Christopher Bailey and Steven Brandt and Blake Caldwell and Huzi Cheng and Dylan Daniels and Carolina Fernandez Pujol and Mostafa Khalil and Samika Kanekar and Carmen Kohl and Orsolya Kolozsvári and Kaisu Lankinen and Kenneth Loi and Sam Neymotin and Rajat Partani and Mattan Pelah and Alex Rockhill and Mohamed Sherif and Matti Hamalainen and Stephanie Jones}, title = {HNN-core: A Python software for cellular and circuit-level interpretation of human MEG/EEG}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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