Editor: @matthewfeickert (all papers)
Reviewers: @jpata (all reviews), @hqucms (all reviews)
Jackson Barr (0000-0002-9752-9204), Joschka Birk (0000-0002-1931-0127), Maxence Draguet (0000-0003-1530-0519), Stefano Franchellucci (0000-0003-0695-0798), Alexander Froch (0000-0002-8259-2622), Philipp Gadow (0000-0003-4475-6734), Daniel Hay Guest (0000-0002-4305-2295), Manuel Guth (0000-0002-6647-1433), Nicole Michelle Hartman (0000-0001-9111-4916), Michael Kagan (0000-0002-3386-6869), Osama Karkout (0000-0002-4907-9499), Dmitrii Kobylianskii (0009-0002-0070-5900), Ivan Oleksiyuk (0000-0002-4784-6340), Nikita Ivvan Pond (0000-0002-5966-0332), Frederic Renner (0000-0002-9475-3075), Sebastien Rettie (0000-0002-7092-3893), Victor Hugo Ruelas Rivera (0000-0002-2116-048X), Tomke Schröer (0000-0001-7967-6385), Martino Tanasini (0000-0002-6313-4175), Samuel Van Stroud (0000-0002-7969-0301), Janik Von Ahnen (0000-0003-4032-0079)
Barr et al., (2024). Umami: A Python toolkit for jet flavour tagging. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(102), 5833, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05833
Dockerfile high energy physics jet physics flavour tagging machine learning
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