Editor: @kthyng (all papers)
Reviewers: @kthyng (all reviews)
Pascal Bourgault (0000-0003-1192-0403), David Huard (0000-0003-0311-5498), Trevor James Smith (0000-0001-5393-8359), Travis Logan (0000-0002-2212-9580), Abel Aoun (0000-0003-2289-2890), Juliette Lavoie (0000-0002-4708-5182), Éric Dupuis (0000-0001-7976-4596), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (0000-0003-3389-9406), Raquel Alegre (0000-0002-6081-0721), Clair Barnes (0000-0002-7806-7913), Alexis Beaupré Laperrière, Sébastien Biner (0000-0001-7515-490X), David Caron, Carsten Ehbrecht, Jeremy Fyke (0000-0002-4522-3019), Tom Keel (0000-0001-9193-5271), Marie-Pier Labonté (0000-0003-0738-3940), Ludwig Lierhammer (0000-0002-7207-0003), Jwen-Fai Low (0000-0001-6618-7443), Jamie Quinn, Philippe Roy (0000-0003-1239-7589), Dougie Squire (0000-0003-3271-6874), Ag Stephens (0000-0002-1038-7988), Maliko Tanguy (0000-0002-1516-6834), Christopher Whelan
Bourgault et al., (2023). xclim: xarray-based climate data analytics. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(85), 5415, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.05415
climate change climate indices downscaling climatology python xarray
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