Editor: @dhhagan (all papers)
Reviewers: @douglowe (all reviews), @emmasimp (all reviews)
Emily K. de Jong (0000-0002-5310-4554), Clare E. Singer (0000-0002-1708-0997), Sajjad Azimi (0000-0002-6329-7775), Piotr Bartman (0000-0003-0265-6428), Oleksii Bulenok (0000-0003-2272-8548), Kacper Derlatka (0000-0003-3137-1288), Isabella Dula, Anna Jaruga (0000-0003-3194-6440), J. Ben Mackay (0000-0001-8677-3562), Ryan X. Ward (0000-0003-2317-3310), Sylwester Arabas (0000-0003-2361-0082)
de Jong et al., (2023). New developments in PySDM and PySDM-examples v2: collisional breakup, immersion freezing, dry aerosol initialization, and adaptive time-stepping. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(84), 4968, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.04968
physics-simulation monte-carlo-simulation atmospheric-modeling particle-system atmospheric-physics
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