tell: a Python package to model future total electricity loads in the United States

Jupyter Notebook Python PowerShell Submitted 03 June 2022Published 11 November 2022

Editor: @fraukewiese (all papers)
Reviewers: @euronion (all reviews), @chrklemm (all reviews)


Casey R. McGrath (0000-0002-8808-8312), Casey D. Burleyson (0000-0001-6218-9361), Zarrar Khan (0000-0002-8147-8553), Aowabin Rahman (0000-0003-2543-5126), Travis Thurber (0000-0002-4370-9971), Chris R. Vernon (0000-0002-3406-6214), Nathalie Voisin (0000-0002-6848-449X), Jennie S. Rice (0000-0002-7833-9456)


McGrath et al., (2022). tell: a Python package to model future total electricity loads in the United States. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(79), 4472,

@article{McGrath2022, doi = {10.21105/joss.04472}, url = {}, year = {2022}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {7}, number = {79}, pages = {4472}, author = {Casey R. McGrath and Casey D. Burleyson and Zarrar Khan and Aowabin Rahman and Travis Thurber and Chris R. Vernon and Nathalie Voisin and Jennie S. Rice}, title = {tell: a Python package to model future total electricity loads in the United States}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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Electricity loads MultiSector Dynamics

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