liionpack: A Python package for simulating packs of batteries with PyBaMM

Python Submitted 13 December 2021Published 21 February 2022

Editor: @timtroendle (all papers)
Reviewers: @EricaEgg (all reviews), @mefuller (all reviews), @yangbai90 (all reviews)


Thomas G. Tranter (0000-0003-4721-5941), Robert Timms (0000-0002-8858-4818), Valentin Sulzer (0000-0002-8687-327X), Ferran Brosa Planella (0000-0001-6363-2812), Gavin M. Wiggins (0000-0002-4737-6596), Suryanarayana V. Karra (0000-0002-5671-0998), Priyanshu Agarwal (0000-0002-5333-1634), Saransh Chopra (0000-0003-3046-7675), Srikanth Allu (0000-0003-2841-4398), Paul R. Shearing (0000-0002-1387-9531), Dan J. l. Brett (0000-0002-8545-3126)


Tranter et al., (2022). liionpack: A Python package for simulating packs of batteries with PyBaMM. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(70), 4051,

@article{Tranter2022, doi = {10.21105/joss.04051}, url = {}, year = {2022}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {7}, number = {70}, pages = {4051}, author = {Thomas G. Tranter and Robert Timms and Valentin Sulzer and Ferran Brosa Planella and Gavin M. Wiggins and Suryanarayana V. Karra and Priyanshu Agarwal and Saransh Chopra and Srikanth Allu and Paul R. Shearing and Dan J. l. Brett}, title = {liionpack: A Python package for simulating packs of batteries with PyBaMM}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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