The Geodynamic World Builder: A planetary structure creator for the geosciences

C++ C SWIG Fortran Submitted 11 March 2024Published 04 September 2024

Editor: @observingClouds (all papers)
Reviewers: @busstoptaktik (all reviews), @cpgr (all reviews)


Menno R. t. Fraters (0000-0003-0035-7723), Magali I. Billen (0000-0002-7316-1791), Rene Gassmöller (0000-0001-7098-8198), Arushi Saxena (0000-0003-2930-3497), Timo Heister (0000-0002-8137-3903), Haoyuan Li (0000-0003-0676-9884), Daniel Douglas (0000-0002-7871-018X), Juliane Dannberg (0000-0003-0357-7115), Wolfgang Bangerth (0000-0003-2311-9402), Yijun Wang (0000-0002-7637-3239)


Fraters et al., (2024). The Geodynamic World Builder: A planetary structure creator for the geosciences. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(101), 6671,

@article{Fraters2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.06671}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {101}, pages = {6671}, author = {Menno R. t. Fraters and Magali I. Billen and Rene Gassmöller and Arushi Saxena and Timo Heister and Haoyuan Li and Daniel Douglas and Juliane Dannberg and Wolfgang Bangerth and Yijun Wang}, title = {The Geodynamic World Builder: A planetary structure creator for the geosciences}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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